300 local residents and activists marched and opened the counter symposium to protest
against APEC Energy Ministersf Meeting.
After the symposium, we held press conference and release this statement
in Fukui Prefecture on June 19, 2010.

Statement by the No Nukes Asia Forum
@@to the APEC Energy Ministersf Meeting

The APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Energy Ministersf Meeting will be
held in Fukui Prefecture, Japan from June 18 to 20. Ministers and government
officials from 20 countries will attend. Under the leadership of Japan, it is highly likely
that a statement will be issued saying that nuclear energy is a highly effective way
of responding to global warming. Beneath the surface the meeting is likely to be
used to promote sales of nuclear power plants. If so, it would be a supreme irony
that this is happening in Fukui Prefecture.

Fukui Prefecture is home to 14 nuclear reactors, but there have also been several
major accidents. In 1991 there was a guillotine rupture of tubes in the steam generator
of the Mihama-2 reactor; in 1995 there was a sodium leak and fire at the Monju fast
breeder reactor; and in 2004 there was a fatal accident in which steam spewed from
ruptured pipes in the Mihama-3 reactor. These accidents all attracted worldwide attention.
Monju has been restarted after being shutdown for 14 years, but there have been c
ontinual problems since then. The people of Fukui Prefecture live in fear of a
catastrophic accident.

Nuclear energy is not an effective way of responding to climate change. Rather,
the expansion of nuclear energy will obstruct the implementation of the solutions
to climate change, namely the expansion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and
energy conservation. Furthermore, the proliferation of nuclear energy is linked to the
proliferation of nuclear weapons. It could lead to increased tension in the Asia-Pacific
region in future.

We strongly call on the APEC Energy Ministersf Meeting to discuss the promotion of
renewable energy, including solar and wind, instead of nuclear energy.

June 19, 2010

The Anti Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia
People for Nuclear Disarmament Nuclear Flashpoints Project

Global Greengrants Fund-China

World Information Service on Energy (WISE)

MANUSIA (Indonesian Antinuclear Society)
Sarekat Hijau Indonesia (Indonesian Green Union)
Muria Institute
FORSMAD (Student Solidarity Forum for Democracy)
AM2PN (Aliansi Masyarakat Madura Pemerhati Nuklir)

Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
Fukui Prefecture Citizens Against Nuclear Power
Green Action
Japan Congress Against A- and H-Bombs
No Nukes Asia Forum Japan

Energy Justice Actions
Korea Federation for Environmental Movements
Buan People's Power Plant for Renewable Energy
Green Korea United
Centre for Energy Alternative

Network Opposed to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (NO to BNPP)


Taiwan Environmental Protection Union
Green Citizens' Action Alliance

Alternative Energy Project for Sustainability

Nuclear Information and Resource Service
